[Jehovah] condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter; and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day with their lawless deeds), then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment” (2 Peter 2:6-9).

Based on this text, Christians say that Jehovah is the true God, for he delivered Lot and his family from Sodom before destroying it with brimstone and fire.

  1. Four individuals were saved from Sodom: the righteous Lot, his wife and his two sodomite daughters. His wife loved Sodom and looked longingly behind. His daughters convinced their father to practice incest. If these three women were sodomites, Jehovah acted unjustly when he delivered them, having condemned so many others (Gen. 18:25).
  2. If Lot’s salvation was the same as his sodomite wife and daughter’s salvation, this is not the salvation of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:9,10). Sodomites, according to Paul, were outside the kingdom of Jesus.
  3. Jehovah killed Lot’s wife because she looked behind, but why did he not kill his daughters when they practiced incest with their father? (Gen. 19:26, 31-38). Why did he not kill Lot?
  4. 2 Peter 2:9 says that the Lord saves the righteous from temptation; and why did he not save Lot from the abomination of the incest?  Paul delivered the incestuous man in the hands of Satan; is Lot considered righteous? (Gen. 19:31-38).
  5. Jehovah spoke in riddles (Ps. 78:2). One of these riddles was about the wine. So, a vine was not a vine, but his people. Thou didst remove a vine from Egypt, Thou didst drive out the nations, and dist plant it” (Ps. 80:8). When Lot was drawn into the incest, the wine he received from his sodomite daughters’ hands was the wine of Sodom. “For their wine is from the wine of Sodom, and from the fields of Gomorrah; […] their wine id venom of serpents, and deadly poison ofcobras. Is it not laid up in store with Me, sealed up in My treasuries?” (Deut. 32:32-34). The wine, which Lot drank were the arguments, which his daughters used, and because he was used to sodomy, he accepted, thinking that the end justified the means.
  6. How does Peter say that Jehovah saved the righteous Lot, when there is not anyone righteous? “As it is written, ‘There is none righteous, not even one’” (Rom. 3:10). In Rom. 5:1 we read that Christians are justified before God through faith in Christ, and they are made righteous by the intercession of Jesus before the Father, according to Heb. 7:25. In this way Lot was also called righteous by the intercession of Abraham, in Gen. 18:23-33.
  7. Let us take a look at Lot, and see if he was righteous while living in Sodom. Peter tells us that Lot’s soul was tormented day and night by what he saw and heard  (2 Peter 2:8). Why did he go on living in Sodom? This reminds us of modern Christians who watch indecent soap operas, or pornographic videos on the Internet and say: “This is terrible! How come the government doesn’t do something about it? Somebody has got to do something!” And go on watching and listening the same things, as Lot did, “These things are wrong, my children!” but…
  8. Sodom was corrupt and sinful (Gen. 13:10-13). Lot chose it for his habitation because the place looked to him good for business and for making him rich (Gen. 13:5-6). There was war, and Sodom was overcome, and they were taken captives —the king and Lot, also (Gen. 14:12). Abraham heard of it and gathered a small army, and went to the rescue of Lot. They attacked quickly and at night. Abraham delivered Lot and the king of Sodom. Through this war, God had taken Lot with all his possessions away from Sodom. Nevertheless, Lot loved Sodom, and returned to the city (Gen. 14:11-16). Lot sat at the gates of Sodom doing business, while his wife and daughters were living with the sodomites (Gen. 19:1).
  9. Does Peter call Lot “righteous”? This slave of Sodom? Why did Peter call him righteous? Abraham, his uncle, loved him, and interceded for him before Jehovah (Gen. 18:23-33). Lot was justified by Abraham’s intercession, in the same way as an unrighteous Christian is justified by the intercession of Christ, and is then called righteous (Heb. 7:25; Rom. 5:1), because Abraham is a figure of Jesus. The context of the second chapter of the second letter of Peter is the apostasy. If anyone that was made righteous by Jesus Christ turns back in his way, they become the dog that returns to its own vomit, or the washed sow that returns to wallowing in the mire (2 Peter 2:20-22). Jesus is the Father of faith, and Abraham is also called the father of faith, being a figure of Jesus (Heb. 12: Gal. 3:7-9).

Conclusion: Jehovah delivered Lot from Sodom, but not from sin, in the same way as he delivered Israel from Egypt, but not from the corruption of Egypt (Jude 5; Is. 43:3,11).

The salvation of Jehovah is not the same as the salvation of Jesus. Jehovah saved his people from the hands of men, but he did not save them from the power of the devil. Jehovah handed in the most righteous men to Satan, as it happened to Job (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7).

Jesus saves from the hands of the devil, but dos not save from the hands of men. This is the reason why the sign of a Christian was the martyrdom (1 John 3:8).

Jehovah saved the outside man, while the interior man was devoured by passions and carnal desires. Jesus forever saves the interior man, and the exterior man is crucified (Gal. 5:24).

We can say that Jehovah saved the body, but the soul was eaten up by the desires of the flesh; Jesus saved the soul from its passions, while the flesh was devoured by beasts or burned on the stakes, during the Roman feasts.

Jehovah’s salvation has never saved anyone, for the same Jehovah killed the ones he saved (Jude 5).

By Pastor Olavo Silveira Pereira


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